Saturday, 31 July 2010

I get knocked down, But I keep writing.

When you have finally finished that piece of writing that you have been working on and it’s that excruciating time when you have to prise your fingers away from the papers to share it with others, holding your breath knowing you could change another thousand things on it. It can be terrifying! You may know it’s not the best, that you have ever written, you may not expect people to gasp in amazment or tell you it’s going to be the next best seller. But the feedback we receive can have an effect and really can knock you back, hearing your weaknesses can be tough and hit on your confidence.

After a recent experience I believed I had taken all the constructive criticism on the chin, but the next time it came to sitting down to write. Nothing would come out. My words were lost. Realising that my fears had returned; thoughts like ‘people won’t like it’ I’m rubbish at this and will never be any good’ the usual things.

It played on my mind until I kept coming back to the same question.

Why are you writing?

My answer is I am writing because I love to write, I can’t imagine not writing! So although criticism is important for improvement take the valuable parts and just keep on writing. Next time you sit down and cannot get anything out. Write a word that pops into your head, and then the next, write a random sentence, write what you are going to cook for dinner or need to buy from the super market. Write anything until you break that barrier of being self conscious and your flow returns. Whatever knock - backs you get, get back to your desk and just keep on writing.

An inspirational book I recently came across is a quick read and an instant ‘pick up you’ and can boost your motivation when it is at a low. It called ‘Reaching for the stars’ by Lola Jaye.

Check it out. Good luck and don’t forget to keep on writing.

All the best,



  1. You make sure you be true to yourself and keep this writing up!! I am looking forward to your next installment for sure.x

  2. Great post! Thanks for the twitter follow. You know, my protagonist shares your name! :)

  3. Thanks, I clicked the link to your blog page and was really impressed - I like your writing style and will be looking out for future post's.

    Thats great, I am biased but think it's a great name. With a name like that I can already tell your novel is going places! :-)


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